In Memoriam – Josefina Toth

1 comment

  • Patricia Rumbellow

    Mama Toth

    She was always full of cheer,
    Spreading good feeling far and near!

    I was lucky to have her as my teacher’s aide,
    She delighted in the progress the children made!

    Friday mornings were the time she would bake,
    And bring me homemade bread, sometimes cake!

    Down the hall the news would zoom,
    “There’s empanadas in the lunch room!”

    She could make a sewing machine whirl,
    Making skirts for the Bailadores to twirl!

    With the dancers she loved to work,
    And her homemade cookies were a perk!

    With every fundraiser, event, book fair,
    She helped to make money for all to share!

    She was so proud of her daughters dear,
    Helping Josie and Lisa every year!

    All who met her knew she was a jewel,
    There is a special place for her at the heart of Burbank School!

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